Friday, June 3, 2016

Blanket Baby

Our dog...she is a total blanket hoarder. If there is any scrap of fabric available - she will find it and make it her own.

She has a dog bed. 50% of the time she prefers to lay in it ONLY if it's upside down.

For Christmas 2012 she received a dog's horribly made and completely ugly. But it's all hers...

Especially if we are outside...this dog does NOT like lying in the grass. Frankly...if it's even a little too high she walks really funny too - almost like she's on her tiptoes paws...

She doesn't necessarily stop at blankets though...any pillow is great...

And, the more pillows/blankets the better. It's like "The Princess and the Pea"...

It doesn't stop at pillows even...laundry (read: dirty laundry) is a JOY for her to discover. She's actually growled when I've tried to get her off of it so I could at least try to make everything smell nice.

The last few months though she has taken everything to new heights. She has become a thief. Except she's terrible at it. If we are lying on the couch, and if there is even a little bit of an overhang of the blanket...she will start pulling it down - as you are laying under it!!

While Mike and I were downstairs one day I caught her in the act. No one was using this blanket at the time so I guess she felt permission wasn't necessary.

Before you watch this: I have NO idea how to edit a video since my computer upgraded itself to Windows 10 and got rid of the one video app I knew how to use. I also have zero desire to research how to do it at this time. This is 1 minute, 34 seconds (+/-) of your life you will not get back.

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