Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baseball Season

It's that time of year again.  Baseball season started in May and we've been at the ball parks two times per week since then.

I took my camera along to the last game and was happy to see he got to pitch.  He was happy too; he enjoys pitching.

There was sooome concentration going on!

The wind-up...

The pitch...

And a happy ending.

There are three Jakes on his team and each is called by a different name.

One day I was cheering and yelling, "Go, Jake!"  One mom leaned over to me and said, "Isn't that kid's name 'Murph'?"

I have a really hard time cheering for my son using his last name.  But honestly, he rarely hears what I have to say if I just say, "Jake" because on the ball field - it's "Murph".  "Jake" is the other kid.

Tonight he played catcher.  It's probably his favorite position.  He was all excited and hoped I'd brought my camera.  I hadn't.  I guess it will be coming to every future game until I can get the catching pictures.

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