Monday, November 2, 2009

I Robbed the Cradle

Call me a Cougar but I definitely pulled in the younger man - thank you very much.

Yep.  He's 10 days younger.  Today is his 36th birthday.  (For those doing the math that means I'm 36 and 10 days.  You're welcome.)

I thought I'd put up a little picture from way back when of him.  He only reads this blog about once a month so by the time he gets to reading this blurb it'll be Christmas time and he won't want to make me upset lest he get a yucky Christmas gift.

Anyway - it really isn't embarrassing.  It's actually two pictures I put together in an album I made for him (with his mom's generous assistance) when he was 30 years old.

This is Mike around six months old.  Healthy, isn't he?  I can't really talk.  10 days before this was taken I was probably weighing in at about five pounds more.  I was a chunk.

Anyway, when I was putting this scrapbook together I loved this picture because I knew I had a picture of Jake from around the same age.  The best part was they were in a very similar pose:

And no, my six month old baby did not have a 5 o'clock shadow.  It was just a plain shadow and bad picture taking skills.  I like to think I've improved at least a little.

I think there's some similarities - the nose, the smirk, the hair. 

I'm sure if I asked Mike's mom I would discover they had the same attitude throughout growing up as well. 

Happy Birthday, Mike! 
Love, Your Old Lady

1 comment:

Missy said...

So Cute.